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Gallery Of Glass For Sale - Roman and Other Ancient Glass - One-off Blown Vessels

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One-off Blown Vessels

This set of vessels is unique, and we will not be making any more examples - ever.






We are selling this large jug and four glasses as a set, price £500 plus carriage.

They were made as a set of props for a film, and are based on 1st century examples.

The jug is heavily based on both glass and bronze examples of 1st century Roman jugs. It measures 26.6cm in height to the top of the handle, and 14.4cm in diameter. Original jugs of this type do not have a punty mark. Our jug has a sand punty mark on the base.

The four blue-green glasses are based on a cobalt blue and white footed beaker from Vindonissa. Two are 13.2cm tall by 9.0cm in rim diameter, and two are 12.8cm by 9.0cm. Each foot is cracked-off and ground, and, in common with the original footed beaker, has no punty scar, which shows that the stem and foot acted as the punty for holding the entire glass as it was finished.

They are all signed and dated 'Mark Taylor 2022'.

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